Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hello and welcome!

Hi! My name is Mary Margaret. My oldest granddaughter is in a technology class in the 5th grade, and she helped me get started writing my first blog post. While trying to edit it, I somehow deleted it. I wish she was here to tell me what I did wrong, but she's not, so I'm on my own today. I hope I don't bore you.

My passion is quilting and heirloom sewing, so that's mostly what this blog will be about. I'm married to Steve who works tirelessly for the defense of our country and helps fund my sewing addiction. We have a grown son and daughter and have been given 8 adorable (soon to be 9) grandkids, ages 4 months, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11.

Our household also includes 3 goldfish and 2 dwarf African frogs, bought for my grandchildren but living under our roof for now. Our family wouldn't be complete without a canine, either. Our newest addition is Daphne, an adopted rescue basset hound who we think is 8 or 9 years old. She apparently was raised in a barn, but we love her anyway! She's the sweetest basset we've ever laid eyes on and she worships Steve.

Well that's our clan.

1 comment:

Becca said...

WOW!! You must really like your grandkids! you have sooo many ! Personaly i love quilting too. I hope you can finish that quilt you are making.

your friend,
Emma Brummett